What fun would shopping in Paris be with no crêpe cart?
My husband loves Nutella... do you? I am not a big fan myself, but I knew this was a must for this party. It was a hit, everyone enjoyed the cart, which was actually a rolling cart we have in our kitchen normally. We added large cardboard rolls on the corners, and added a "top". Okay, you got me! I have to give props where they are due... My husband worked on constructing this masterpiece for at least an hour. Thank you honey. I did however buy the balloons and roses... and staggered those balloons all by myself too :) Yeah me!
OMGosh, this is toooo cute Ÿ Thank you so much for visiting me over at Pittypat Paperie and sharing this idea. I might try making one for my grandbaby's b'day party Ü I ♥ how yours turned out.