Monday, May 2, 2011

Is this the hand of a Princess?


Here is my lovely hand.. can you guess what I did this weekend? You guessed it! The garden needed a fresh coat of top soil, and someone had to do it. Do you think I could still be Harry’s Princess? Probably not, but I know I am my husband’s, and that is good enough in this life Smile

Next up is the actual planting… I started tomatoes and broccoli, peppers and carrots, organic of course. My asparagus is in, but apparently it doesn’t come for TWO years! Urgh, till then my baby girls will be corrupted by all their classmates to start disliking vegetables all together. How about all of you readers out there… do your kids still love vegetables, even though they are in school and exposed to that awful rank stuff in the cafeteria? (Can you tell I have been watching too much Jamie Oliver?)

Till then.. I will have more pictures of my lovely garden, because it is labor, but a labor of love… that I need to share with you!

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