My oldest daughter has officially gotten beyond the baby years, and now the toddler years. This year she started kindergarten, and now has turned 6. I don’t know about you moms out there, but I feel like 6 is a huge change. She’s not a baby by far, but up till five, she seemed to still felt like a toddler to me. Now she is a big girl!
Every year we have a house full of visitors for New Year’s Eve, as well as, the week leading up to it, so it is not hard to throw a nice size party for the little princess. This year, however, the weather had other plans for us.. so, they were unable to make it. In desperation, at the last minute, I called her two best friends from school. I was super lucky that their moms are so laid back, they didn’t care that I give them only a 5 day notice. :)
I did play it up on Alisa’s behalf, that we were unable to have a party this year, then proceeded to ask what she’d like to do on her special day. I was quite surprised to hear her say sledding. So Alisa, her sister, and her dad went to the lovely park down the road from us.
Is it not beautiful? Even I, a person who hates snow, don’t mind going here once in a blue moon. The “triangle” at the top of the hill has a few benches in it to sit down for a bit if your out of shape and can’t trek up that big hill. I’m not gonna lie, I’ve had to use it.
While they were gone, I decided to take on the project of décor and cake. I had told Alisa that we were going to have a couple family members over, and I do mean two people. I also told her that despite not having the party she really wanted, I had already bought the decorations, and we would still put them up. She didn’t know however that I had one big project in mind.
Have you seen this picture flying around Pinterest? It’s linked to this lady over here. Alisa expressed interest in a “rainbow” party when she still thought we were having a party, so I decided why not?! While they were out freezing their butts off, I was slaving away in a hot kitchen.
This was my first attempt at something like this, and it went quite well, for my first time. :)
Dividing into bowls, and food coloring, was the easiest part. Although I felt I had to add red about a thousand times more than the other colors. I don’t remember what website I hunted for the temp and the time, but I ended up just winging it on the time aspect. I did however use a ton of toothpicks, sticking it to make sure they were done. Once they were cooled, I quickly realized there was a side that was easier to ice, with less crumbles. The biggest mistake I made I was able to “cover up” quickly… I split one of the cakes into 3 large pieces while flipping it over. About half way through icing I decided, “never again”. While it made a wonderful cake and I was quite pleased with it, I just don’t have the patience for the icing process.
So what do you think? Worth it? I think so, even with all the cursing under my breath! Hehe
The “inside” shot.
Here are some other details of the décor as well: Lollipops were purchased at Micheal’s and the popcorn (each color a different flavor) purchased at a local deli.
When they came back from sledding, the best friends were showing up for cake, ice cream, & a movie night. It was a ton of fun and Alisa was so happy & surprised. The other moms were impressed with the rainbow cake, and I was excited to have adults to play Uno Attack with. Overall it was a successful party.
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