Thursday, July 7, 2011

Bosanski Lonac

So I have been trying to get some Bosnian recipes around to share with you, since I went to a friend’s graduation party and pictured these beauties over Here. I will not proclaim to be a professional on Bosnian cooking, nor will my husband ever say I am either, however, I am trying my hardest, and I know he appreciates that.

Now for my little secret: this recipe is the easiest thing you will ever make! Some might think this is dull & bland, but I love the simplicity of the food’s very own flavors blending to create a unique taste. It’s what some might call “a very rustic” flavor.

Wikipedia says that there are many different variations on this, which I am sure is totally true. I use only beef in mine, as my husband can not have pork. Another thing you might find out over at Wikipedia: Bosanski Lonac translates into “Bosnian Pot” {no NOT the hippy kind, the cast iron type}


Now to get started:

Make sure your meat of choice is thawed out. I use stew meat in mine, about 2 lbs. already chopped up in my meat case.

Put a couple Tablespoons of Oil in the bottom of your dutch oven pan, or stock pot {it will not need to go in the oven, so don’t worry about a heat proof pan}

Now the hardest part of this whole thing… cutting up veggies {as I said before many different variations}. I will be letting you in on what I put in mine.

About 4 large Potatoes, peeled and quartered

1 Medium Onion, peeled and quartered

1 Small head of cabbage, quartered

3 large tomatoes, quartered as well

5 carrots peeled and halved {I personally WOULD like more, but..}

1 teaspoon of garlic {maybe more if you’re a really garlicy person}

3 peppers seeded and halved {I like to use yellow bell peppers}

Salt & Pepper to taste

Now the hard part is over, layer this stuff sporadically throughout the pot, and pour a cup and half of water over this whole pot. Now put a lid on it, put it on medium  for 20 min. and go watch Food Network to see how hard you would need to work, if you decided to have a “non-rustic meal”. hehe

After 20 min., come back and turn it down to a simmer, check your food to make sure the top is not dry, but do not turn, stir or move any food around. If it is a little dry on top add about half a cup more of water. Put the lid back on and walk away again, go weed your garden, play with your kiddos, clean your shower…

40-45 min later, everything should be fork tender. Including your meat.

Viola! Easy as Pie… no actually way easier than pie Smile 


Once you plate it up, you could put a gravy over it if you’d like. I like to eat it with a “side dollop” of sour cream, which my hubby got me started on. If you’re like me, you’ll probably want to add more salt and pepper too. Yummm, eat up


  1. Hi Katrina, I "borrowed from you a photo from Bosanski Lonac ingredients. Do you mind? If you mind, I delete this photo!
    Liliana Dumitru

  2. Now that is my kind of food. Everything perfectly delicious. Thanks for the meal.


    1. It amazes me how the most simple recipes make the most delicious food. I am glad you enjoyed it!
